If you are not earning over $300,000 annually and you don't have employees successfully running your store after 18 months - 24 months, you are doing something wrong!
I can save money doing it myself - A smart business person knows time can be your worst enemy. Our founder opened his first store himself and wish he didn't have to. Money was lost in mistakes and in "loss of sales" from the extra time it took to get open.
I can save money having a store owner help me - Time is your biggest enemy in this case too. The reason why we founded Beauty Supply Institute and sold our stores was because we tried helping others open stores while we ran our own. We weren't doing our clients justice. It took much longer than needed because we couldn't focus completely on the client. We had our baby to run too. This is what you will find trying to work with current store owners. We give detailed attention to your baby and get you opened as soon as possible so you can begin making sales. Our service pays for itself many times over.
Costs $200,000 to open – Actually, we have gotten stores opened completed and stocked with as little as $30,000. You must contact us to see what your needs will be.
Asians don’t do business with Blacks – Like many other groups, Asians are culturally different from Blacks. If Blacks understand the culture of doing business with them, you are sure to gain access to whatever you need.
It’s hard to get hair accounts – Requirements vary from distributor to distributor. Hair accounts are not that difficult to obtain.
Asians dominate the industry – Actually, Africans and Arabs are key players in the industry too depending on where you are located. This only proves that race doesn’t determine success, it is how competitive you can be.
Economy is too bad – OTC Magazine stated “The ethnic beauty supply industry grew by 12% in 2008, during the height of our economic recession.” This industry is not only about cosmetics but also about hygiene, which is necessary to obtain jobs or remain presentable.
Without hair accounts, I will fail – Sally’s, one of the country’s largest beauty retailer, generates billions selling mostly hair care and skin care items. It took almost 8 months for our first location to obtain wig accounts, yet we generated profits monthly selling other items.
If you are within 3 miles of another store you can't get products - Unfortunately, many are led to believe they cannot get any products if they are within a 3-mile (or whatever mile) radius. However, this is not true. The radius clause applies to some "hair accounts" only. You can be sitting right next to another store and get all of the same chemical, equipment and accessory products as your competitor. Specialize in having hair the competing store doesn't have and you can make money! If there are accounts you would like to have but can't get, give us a call. We can assist.
Our services and training equips people how to be the best retailer of beauty products. It doesn't focus on what type of products so the training is pretty universal in that regard. The only specific nature of our training is that it focuses on those who own or would like to own an actual brick and mortar business. If you are trying to operate solely online, our training will be perhaps 15% beneficial. If you plan to open a physical location, our training & consulting will be 110% beneficial.
I can save money doing it myself - A smart business person knows time can be your worst enemy. Our founder opened his first store himself and wish he didn't have to. Money was lost in mistakes and in "loss of sales" from the extra time it took to get open.
I can save money having a store owner help me - Time is your biggest enemy in this case too. The reason why we founded Beauty Supply Institute and sold our stores was because we tried helping others open stores while we ran our own. We weren't doing our clients justice. It took much longer than needed because we couldn't focus completely on the client. We had our baby to run too. This is what you will find trying to work with current store owners. We give detailed attention to your baby and get you opened as soon as possible so you can begin making sales. Our service pays for itself many times over.
Costs $200,000 to open – Actually, we have gotten stores opened completed and stocked with as little as $30,000. You must contact us to see what your needs will be.
Asians don’t do business with Blacks – Like many other groups, Asians are culturally different from Blacks. If Blacks understand the culture of doing business with them, you are sure to gain access to whatever you need.
It’s hard to get hair accounts – Requirements vary from distributor to distributor. Hair accounts are not that difficult to obtain.
Asians dominate the industry – Actually, Africans and Arabs are key players in the industry too depending on where you are located. This only proves that race doesn’t determine success, it is how competitive you can be.
Economy is too bad – OTC Magazine stated “The ethnic beauty supply industry grew by 12% in 2008, during the height of our economic recession.” This industry is not only about cosmetics but also about hygiene, which is necessary to obtain jobs or remain presentable.
Without hair accounts, I will fail – Sally’s, one of the country’s largest beauty retailer, generates billions selling mostly hair care and skin care items. It took almost 8 months for our first location to obtain wig accounts, yet we generated profits monthly selling other items.
If you are within 3 miles of another store you can't get products - Unfortunately, many are led to believe they cannot get any products if they are within a 3-mile (or whatever mile) radius. However, this is not true. The radius clause applies to some "hair accounts" only. You can be sitting right next to another store and get all of the same chemical, equipment and accessory products as your competitor. Specialize in having hair the competing store doesn't have and you can make money! If there are accounts you would like to have but can't get, give us a call. We can assist.
Our services and training equips people how to be the best retailer of beauty products. It doesn't focus on what type of products so the training is pretty universal in that regard. The only specific nature of our training is that it focuses on those who own or would like to own an actual brick and mortar business. If you are trying to operate solely online, our training will be perhaps 15% beneficial. If you plan to open a physical location, our training & consulting will be 110% beneficial.